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7/31/17, 4:35 PM   #86
Re: Lack of cars on pavement
Stevensville Mike
Stevensville Mike is offline
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Originally Posted by drtracr View Post
I love racing, both dirt and pavement. Don't want to see either go away, I am offering my help in any way to keep them on the track. I have over 50 year experience in racing including promoting. What can I do to help?
Wow. This thread has been buried for awhile.

First off, thanks for volunteering your services.

But now that you are asking to help, for a successful formula, I suggest you implement NONE of the following:

Stage racing
The Lucky Dog
The Wave Around
Phantom yellows for debris that no one can find (not even Columbo)
Competition yellows to check tire wear
Competition yellows to bunch up the field
Speed limits on pit road under green flags
Common body templates
1.5 mile tri-ovals
Unlimited tires in stock
Political correctness
Michael Waltrip
Darrell Waltrip
Kenny Wallace
Brian France
Danica Patrick (including any type of media coverage)

To be SUCCESSFUL, though, I would start by getting AVSS and Must See to take the wings off and race at places like Winchester, Salem, IRP (ORP, LOR, LORP... whatever it is called now), maybe South Band, etc. Outside of Indiana..... take knife.... put it to throat..... pull straight across. Maybe Toledo can prop us up to the East. Or Sandusky with Super Mods. Keep it local and centralized. Only rule - minimum weight WITH driver in the car.

Give the mike to Bob Jenkins.

Someone to bankroll the racing for a few years would be required, too. But I have no skin in the game. I am only a fan. Oh..... wait.... you need guys like me and my buds.

Once again, thanks for offering up. Really. Your slingshot is waiting for you over there, David. Remember.... aim between the eyes. He's a big boy.