Thread: Cage Lights
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12/9/16, 8:31 PM   #23
Re: Cage Lights
Jonr is offline
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Originally Posted by ModernDayDrifter View Post
First, let me start this by saying I am looking forward to you putting your "stuff" up for sale. See, by your comments degrading your own equipment and your comments degrading a sanctioning body for TRYING to do something tells me that you have no respect for the sport in any aspect of its existence. YOU are the kind of people this sports needs to ban from any portion of auto racing for all eternity.

What are you doing at this very moment to help out with the safety aspect? I have seen guys like T-Mez build some absolutely ugly cage add-on's in the wake of BC accident. Do I agree with it? I can see flaws, yes. Anyone can find a flaw in something. Thats subjective. What is not subjective is that THEY did not get online and blast a sanctioning body for making something like that mandatory. They had the initiative, the drive to do it themselves. Not to be selfish, not so they can brag to their buddies. Because they respect the sport, they respect the other drivers, the fans, and anyone else who was brutally hurt by the BC accident.

YOU get on the internet all high and mighty Joe saying things like "thats a real safety initiative. all another organization wants to do is put lights all over the place." (quote from another post about drug testing where you also try to make a point that USAC does not do this, and you were wrong) My question to you, have you any experience in this field? ARCA series uses these lights inside the cockpit, like USAC is suggesting, do you have the knowledge on how this dramatically reduced crashes involving cars 5 positions or further back? Do you know that when introduced many driver and team owners had bad things to say about it until they realized it works? Do you know anything at all?

How about we all reserve judgement, see how it works first. They may be just lights to you, but a roll cage is just steel, seat belts are just thread, and a HANS device is just a glorified neck brace.

If you do put your "stuff" up for sale, I'll even trade you for your "stuff" and your opinion... I have ocean front property in Montana for you.
You beat me to the punch, but I agree 110% with everything that you said. For everybody who ever said BC strong, or Parked It for BC, or bought any of his merchandise after his death, improving the safety for USAC is part of his legacy. If you have negative words about improving safety, it is the same thing as kicking dirt on BC's grave.

If you remember back to the lengthy safety thread that was on this board a couple of months ago, BC's dad came on here stating that USAC was looking at a way to get quicker notification to the drivers. He also stated that USAC was looking at improving safety without rebuilding cars. Both of these lights will do exactly that.

I was sitting in the stands the night of BC's incident. It was a scene that I never hope to see again. If any of you have half a brain, you will thank USAC for the improvements and ask what else can we do. As the above poster stated, if you can't do that get the He!! out of our sport.