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10/31/16, 7:11 PM   #72
Re: USAC to mandate safety changes
Tim Clauson
Tim Clauson is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 510

I have hesitated responding to this thread as it has seems to be going in several directions but I just wanted to make a couple of comments. First I want to thank USAC for everything that they have done from literally the moment the accident happened to this very moment as they have gone over and beyond to make sure that our needs were and are being met. I have always admired Levi as a competitor, a racer and a Champion. But on August 6th 2016 I got to meet Levi Jones the man and the leader. I will never be able to explain what he did in the moments on the track as the reality of the situation began to set in but let me say this if not for him in that moment I am not sure where we would be as a family or I as a person today. Spridge Richie, and Kevin have since that moment done everything to insure our well being. Thank You !

I think it would be disingenuous of me to speak on behalf of what they did internally following the accident but I believe at least 2 different safety commissions looked into the accident and if I am not mistaken Dr. Trammel headed one of them. I believe that they looked at every aspect as best as they could to see what if anything could of helped. The direct conversations that I had with those involved had nothing to do with car construction but more to do with how to get information to the drivers quicker and ways to improve the response time. I believe that they looked at every aspect of this accident and my hope is that they found some things that will help lesson the chances of this happening again. It saddens me to see a organization get criticized for wanting to make an effort to improve safety and learn from a tragedy especially when I know how much it affected about every person in that office.

Thank You
Tim Clauson
W.W.B.K.D. ?