Thread: No way out 40
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Tumey's 55 (Offline)
  #156 3/27/16 1:43 PM
Originally Posted by chastaj:
Per US Gov site:
United States antitrust law is a collection of federal and state government laws that regulates the conduct and organization of business corporations, generally to promote fair competition for the benefit of consumers. (The concept is called competition law in other English-speaking countries.)
Appears to me this rule does exactly what the law is trying to prevent "fair competition for the benefit of consumers"
Don't get me wrong I run Purple, always have 100% of the time because I personally feel they have the best product, but choice should be left up to the consumer.
For what it is isn't this simple. There is plenty of competition in the tire business. Since racers have an ability to choose where to race they "voluntarily" decide to participate or not. They can go to another track or decide not to race. Trade can be restricted or limited it just can't be done in an unreasonable manner or practices can't be unfair or deceptive. Competition in the sense of the law would have no relationship to competition between racers on the track. If tire companies thought these practices violated antitrust there would have been lawsuits long ago. I think an attorney would have a very hard time proving damages to the consumer (racer) as the law is written.
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