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12/14/15, 12:52 PM   #207
GYATK94 is offline
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I think those of you that are upset at us who aren't very happy with the event are making the mistake of assuming we are unaware of how difficult it was to prepare this event seeing as it was the inaugural one. I'm fully cognizant of how tough it was to get that place prepared, not through first hand experience, just via the common sense it requires to know going from basketball court to dirt track in less than 24 hours isn't easy. I give those guys that worked their tails off all night to get the place ready all the credit in the world. They deserve it. I could be wrong, but I think most of us are upset that we spent 20-55 bucks to go watch a caution fest that took roughly 9 hours to complete. Now, I completely agree that those who are acting as if they have the solution to fix the event shouldn't be given the time of day because nobody has a viable solution right now. I went in thinking that if I could see a race that wasn't entirely single file then I'd be happy. Well, I didn't consider the possibility of that many cautions, and yes, I'm not thrilled by having spent money to watch it. Again, I couldn't offer anything on how to fix it, and I give those workers a lot of credit. They tried, and it just didn't work. I just feel at this point, pessimism is realism regarding the inaugural event.