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12/1/14, 4:40 PM   #15
Re: Henchcraft Vs Hyper
DAD is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2009
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Not only does it look bad but it creates a hostile competitor. Competition is tough but in the business world they will "slit your throat" so to speak if they are mad at you. In our business we have lots of people that come in with work performed by our competition, what they are looking for is for us to point out something deficient with the other business's work.

I generally come back with so and so is a very good shop owner. I bet if you take it back to them they would be happy to fix it for you, and you know that is usually the case. In business like racing I would much rather be friends with the competition than seen as an their adversary. There is plenty of business out their for us all, some people are more to my temperament and others to my competition and sometimes I even suggest they stop by and see so and so. We call that the 80% from 20% rule of business.

This I learned from the master Muffler Man and Race car Builder >Ralph "Sonny" Potter who passed away last week. He was always out to beat his competition in a different way with his own Ideas and I can relate to that.

Rest In Peace Ralph

Bill Jones

PS cb We all think that what we have is the best or we wouldn't own it. Me I would settle for an FSC with a TRO Toyota, but then I wouldn't be able to buy tires and fuel for it and the hauler, so>>> I will wish in one hand and try something else in the other and see which hands fills up first. We are still having fun so what the hey.
Last edited by DAD; 12/1/14 at 5:04 PM.