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7/28/14, 2:12 PM   #68
Re: bill gardner up date
Mud Packer
Mud Packer is offline
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Having just read this, I am numb right now. We all knew the odds were against him but he continued to fight on despite the pain and suffering. That part is over now. Racing doesn't seem very important to me at the moment. We lost a large part of us today.

Bill was a great inspiration to a lot of us. When my grandson Andrew was diagnosed with a brain tumor and the report came back it was the Big C, Bill was one of the first people to send encouragement and comfort. With all of the issues he had, he still took the time to respond to a total stranger about someone he didn't even know. That is what made him special in my mind.

Bill was a champion in life that so many of us looked up to. He knew his fate but didn't complain about it. He loved his racing and whenever I did get to see him (it wasn't often enough either) he was focused on racing and was looking forward to another night at the track. You knew it wasn't good when he stopped coming.

He will always be with us even though he no longer resides here on earth. His IOW creation has brought so many people together and made them friends. People we all saw at the race track but just never were introduced to each other. Bill through IOW made that introduction. I can't even imagine a day that goes by that I don't look at the board. It has become part of my life and continues to be THE racing place.

To Mrs. G and entire Gardner family I pass along my deepest sympathy. You lost a great man who has impacted so many people that you probably will never know. The good Lord already had his seat reserved when he arrived. RIP champ.

Be nice to people on the way up. You might need them on the way down. Jimmy Durante