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7/14/14, 8:21 PM   #12
Re: Rain Out Procedures
Mud Packer
Mud Packer is offline
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If memory serves me correctly, two years ago LPS was rained out on Thursday night of ISW and rescheduled for Sunday night. The bashing of Joe Spiker and LPS was pretty intense and many fans thought they called it too soon and/or were upset that the makeup date was Sunday and they couldn't make it back for the race. Those are the only folks that lost money?

Last year Tri State was rained out of ISW and the track with the million dollar John Deere equipment was bashed because they couldn't get the track race ready and didn't have a make up date. Tom Helfrich was the bum on that occasion. Imagine that he couldn't pull off a miracle just so the fans wouldn't be inconvienced. Who lost money on that night?

Moving forward to this year, Dave Rudisell is taking the heat. It could also happen to any other track for that matter. Simply put, the promoter just can't win no matter what happens.

Fact #1-Indiana hosts a lot of racing events at many, many tracks around the state. Most of the rain check policies are similar and the vast majority are NO CASH REFUNDS. Tickets/wristbands are good for a certain length of time. If you don't know that by this time, you certainly don't go the races very often.

Fact #2-Indiana has some rather diverse weather and it does occasionally rain here. Much to the disappointment of the car owners, drivers, promoters and fans, rain sometimes happens on race night. As fans we can sometimes lose money due to the rain check policy. HOWEVER, last I checked, no where in life are we gauranteed that everything will be fair. Sometimes we will lose out on a night of racing and not be able to make it back for the makeup. Let the pity party begin.

Fact #3-No matter what you think, you have no idea what it takes to promote a speedway and the time and effort it takes to plan and execute a "big" show like ISW. With that being said, rain isn't a friend of the promoter and he doesn't reap a huge reward from a cancellation. They lose money that can never be regained. They have a business plan that only they can know if and how they can work to reschedule an event. One thing to add that I haven't seen so far is that it was still raining this morning when we left Lawrenceburg. Rudy didn't have the opportunity to "seal" the track last night and right now it is raining there with more on the way. How would that reschedule look now?

Solution for fans. As a fan you have a couple of options. Option #1-Look at the weather reports and make the best call you can that fits your budget and needs. If you can't afford to chance a rainout and/or don't think you can make a reschedule; you need to stay at home and whine to all who will listen to you there. Fair weather fans don't see a lot of shows in Indiana. Remember, it does rain in Indiana.

Option #2-Look at the weather forecasts and make the call that no matter what, I am going to be at the race track. If this is your choice, don't complain about losing the opportunity to see a race. You will be rained out at some point in time. And you aren't the only one losing money. Remember, no one makes money on a cancellation. However, you will see a whole lot more racing than taking option #1. How many times have we seen a great racing program to get in our cars and the rain is starting? Lucky?????????

To all the fans who think they have the best answers on promoting a race track, here is Option #3. Paragon and Gas City are both for sale. Baer Field in Fort Wayne just closed. So this is the ideal time to jump right in and buy one of these facilities and show us all how you can make this thing work. Your time is now. Don't delay.

Now pardon me while I step away. I have an important task ahead of me. I have sock drawer that needs to be rearranged.

Be nice to people on the way up. You might need them on the way down. Jimmy Durante
Last edited by Mud Packer; 7/14/14 at 10:08 PM.