Thread: Car Colors
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TQ29m (Online)
  #30 7/8/14 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by Charles Nungester:
I notice that its ok to discuss how other people should spend they're money. Im sure everyone out there would love to have nice looking cars.

Reality is, Is it more important to be able to rebuild your motor after a couple dozen races or paint your car while it sits in the shop motorless because It sure looks pretty.

10g-20g-30g + Sponsorships, Im sure they'll be happy to make it look nice for ya. Take it to the Mall in the winter and market etc.

Heres a real scenario a few years back. USAC Eldora opener. All these cars showed up with pretty paint jobs, lettering, numbering, By the end of the night USAC had a trailer load of busted hoods and body panels from rocks and mud clods, many teams were out more on hoods and paint jobs than they would get in return if they didn't finish better than third.
Chuck, couldn't agree with you more, for what it would cost me to KEEP my car bright and shiny, it puts fuel in my tanks, tires on the corners, food in my belly, and helps pay entry fees. Some cars are nice looking, with just the basic stuff, the main thing being clean, don't roll it out of the trailer with 3 weeks of racing mud still on it, even if it is just one color, or no color, if it's clean, it's OK, cause by the time the first heat race is over, it won't be clean anymore. I use prepainted aluminum for my hood, and body panels, and for under 75 bucks I can replace them all, but after several years, they still look OK to me, it'd be nice to have new shiny wheels, and a different paint scheme at least every year, but it has nothing to do with making it any faster, or getting a bigger pay out, and with no sponsors but myself to worry about, I don't worry about it, if I had to have my fuel tank repainted, it'd probably cost me 300 bucks, which will buy a lot of diesel gas. Getting there, and getting the job done, is my main focus, there was a time when I could afford the NICE stuff, and I did, but not lately! Bob

"Being old, isn't half as much fun, as getting there"! Ole Robert I!
3 Likes: Charles Nungester, Mattmac05, Phylo82