Thread: Car Colors
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ThrowbackRacingTeam (Offline)
  #27 7/8/14 1:14 AM
16 out of the 22 starters Sunday were black. I kept thinking Thorson was Rico, couldn't tell them apart. I almost never knew which Lein car was which. Why can't the team cars be painted differently? They could flip the colors or something. I get that paint or vinyl costs money. But, when every single stock car at our local track can afford it, I think most midget teams could. The problem is the modern day owners just don't care what the cars look like. Did you also notice the stands were less than half full? A coincidence? I think so. I used to be a fan of certain cars because of how they looked, regardless of who drove them or how fast they were. I used to day dream about them all the time. This year, there hasn't been one car that I've thought about once I left the track. I used to drive an old VW car at Sun Prairie with an Edmunds hood. I would get a ton of people looking at the car after the races and signed a bunch of autographs. They always commented how much they liked the car. When I moved into a modern style car, hardly anyone came by anymore.
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