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11/10/13, 9:30 PM   #124
Re: Central region Lightning / Mini sprint meeting
DAD is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2009
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You just might be my "alter ego". We look at racing much the same way. I guess I can't hold racing those darned little cars against you. I hope someday you get the chance to try on the next larger size car on for size. They are two different animals.

Years ago we started the fastest qualifier on the tale, sure made for exciting racing , and you know the grand stands were packed back then. We did have a term known as sandbagging, and they had to make a rule about what would happen if your ran faster in the main than you qualilfied. We did not have passing points then, that might have helped. Somehow money and fast car owners got control of things and getting away from qualifying with pill draws changed the face and perhaps the thrill of racing for both for the driver and the fan. Sometimes just beating a certain driver is all we need for a good night, maybe that is why we just keep coming back.

Like I said the last thing I tell my son before going out on the track is "Have Fun".

I sure hope your post gets some other racers to look at things a little different.

Thank You for Your insight.

Honest Dad himself
Last edited by DAD; 11/10/13 at 9:31 PM.