Thread: Wow. Huge news.
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10/27/13, 7:42 PM   #32
Re: Wow. Huge news.
nonwingnit is offline

Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 74

Some of you people on this thread slay're saying give the team a smaller penalty for cheating? So then it's ok for all the guys to cheat - the first time they get a pass - a slap on the wrist and "don't you do that again"! ....what about the low budget teams that can't afford to soak tires? What about the guys that are actually FOLLOWING the rules?! It ain't as cheap as you think to soak a tire either......

What a bunch of crud - you get caught breaking the rules you pay the penalty! No wonder this country is screwed up! Lets just let all the cheaters slide by in life and yes IF it was for tire doping that's cheating. Let's teach our kids it's ok the first time.....sheesh.....shaking my head at these comments......basically you're saying to everyone "cheaters never win -except in racing" and don't give me the line they been doing if for years it's no excuse.

Oh and I believe USAC already set a precedent this year on this - Kokomo banned KT from night 3 of Smackdown and USAC didn't allow him in so I would say based on that they can't say this team/driver could come in....they've already sided with the track in a previous situation....

I will say that the penalty directed to windom is unnecessarily harsh unless there is evidence he was funding the tire dope or some such.....