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7/5/13, 9:04 PM   #18
Re: Full Containment Seat Mandate
Wayne Davis
Wayne Davis is offline
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Originally Posted by chop View Post
What I would like to know is was the car that Jason was killed in checked by the NJ state police? Did they do a pre race check of the car? I'm not looking to be a jerk or start something. I have heard that he removed part of the seat, but had a cage net. Was the car legal-meet what rules are in NJ? Was it really the seat that caused the problem or was it just a bad hit-wrong place type of deal? It started with a torsion bar arm that came off-broke.

Here is what I know from my research:

Jason did not have "HIS" custom built seat in the car he was driving as it was a back-up...
Yes he removed the "LEFT" side headrest that had been bolted and installed a window net.. (to be more comfortable)....
there was no left or right side shoulder support....
Jason died from left side "Blunt Force Trauma" to the neck upon striking the outside barrier (wall) with the left side of the car...............


whether or not this becomes a necessary MANDATE for my series or not (due to Liability issues) I will STRONGLY urge any racer to have a FULL CONTAINMENT seat. I would go as far as to you get "BONUS" monies for having one along with a head and neck restraint. If we as promoters or track owners DO NOT INSIST racers will never change...some will not do it just to be a horses a$$.....Just like helmets 5 years after manufacture date, not shelve date....

Accidents happen...some can be prevented some can not....Don't bring grief to your many fans and family just because you don't like a safety issue and will not comply...
Southern Outlaw Motorsports
Jacksonville, Florida
The Original Southern Outlaw

Last edited by Wayne Davis; 7/5/13 at 9:09 PM. Reason: Spelling