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C&R Racing (Offline)
  #10 7/5/13 2:42 PM
I agree with Ryan, do not make us run what we do not want to run. Bladders and such that cause problems for other racers is one thing but when it is our own personal safety then that is up to us. Yes I have a great Hinchman suit with all the underwear and safety items.

However on the seats, what kind of seats are going to be allowed? There are some seats out there are so strong you can not move them at all. Which is BAD! Let's take for example you throwing a punch because you are mad at someone. Would you rather A) hit the other person and possibly hurt your hand, or B) not hit the person and go hit the brick wall and probably break your hand? Now I am not saying to go off and hit anything at all, but its a very good example of you crashing and hitting a total support seat that has a ton of supports and does not give at all(brick wall), or hitting a seat that gives somewhat. Now I am not saying go out and buy old junk or something rubber to sit in. I am saying there are some really tough and strong seats out there than we have no business being in.
3 Likes: Jim Gardner, spicoli, TQ29m