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6/9/13, 2:14 PM   #56
Slider812 is offline

Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 237

Originally Posted by ronmil View Post
I was unavoidably detained, so I arrived as the third heat was running, and by the time I arrived at my seat I had also missed the fourth heat. I did hear Alan Beck's description as he said it was one slide job after another and a great clean race.
Biggest difference I noticed was that a lot of the track regulars (fans) weren't there. On the other hand, I was a little surprised at some of the ones I did see. Crowd appeared to be of decent size.
I liked the track preparation for the feature. I wish Tom would have the exact same surface for the sprint cars. It appeared to be a lot less packed for this event, thus the event remained dust free throughout. I know the size of the sprint car tires has a lot to do with that, but it's just my $.02 on the subject.
Noticed the deputies did not block the crossover on US41 as early as usual, and several spectators were driving directly across and turning north. I could see that from my seat. Glad they were there by the time I left. The help they provide is one of the things that makes TSS the class track.
Would I return if they do this again? The answer is a definite maybe.
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