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10/11/12, 11:18 PM   #14
Re: Looking for help with west coast
Robert Ballou
Robert Ballou is offline

Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 36

I don't want anyone to put theirselves into a bind to help us out - I mean that. There will be other races (did I seriously just say that?) I know I have some great fans and I have a lot of people that don't like me. That's ok - I know I'm a big pill to swallow sometimes. I've been trying really hard this year to do better - sometimes I have blown it - and trust me I know when I do - but I am trying to at least not let my emotions get the best of me. I have known nothing but racing since I was 5 years old and at the end of a race when something goes wrong and someone sticks a microphone in your face or the guy that you think (sometimes wrongly) made a bonehead move it is tough to hold back and be PC. I am working on that. I know when I screw up (most of the time - if not someone usually tells me) and sometimes I even really think things went one way in my head only to see the video and realize that it wasn't the way I thought at all.

I just love to race. It's all I've ever known. Some people won't like me and I get that - some people will like me because I can't rein in my emotions also and I know that too.....I'm just trying to do the best I can each race. Guys that used to really bug me don't bug me so much anymore - I see younger guys coming up that are going to be serious contenders.....all I can tell you is that I'm giving it 110% every time I'm on the track - sometimes my 110% isn't enough - sometimes it is.

For those of you that want to donate my paypal is or you can find me both nights at Terre Haute or send me a PM and I'll give you my address....but please don't put yourself in a bind to do it - I would feel bad. And seriously it may seem like I'm talking out of my a$$ but I appreciate the well wishes just as much.

Robert Ballou