Thread: Lps updates
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6/29/12, 10:32 AM   #37
Re: Lps updates
Mud Packer
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I certainly hope this can work for all involved, promoter, car owners, drivers and fans. I would imagine that Joe Spiker is a good business man and with that being said I also think that he realized with any new venture, it wouldn't happen over night. With the economic situation the way it is today, any type of racing is a gamble. If you start something like this, you need to stay the course. Thanks Joe for doing just that.

I agree with John that LPS needs more people than this board covers to make it successful. It would serve us all very well if we would just bring another person to the races with us. I am trying to do this and my hope is we all can make this happen.

Hot weather and updates from the track won't keep me at home. Last night I wasn't sure if I could make it or not due to a work committment. It would have been easy for me to throw in the towel early in the day and just stay home in the air conditioning and wait for updates. That's not me.

I have hit all of these Thursday night shows so far and if at all possible, I will hit each of them. I am sure that Joe and his staff will evaluate this situation in due time and either make changes or scrap the idea completely. Only he knows the business plan they have put into place and we can only speculate what that might be.

If it fails, I certainly don't want to be the one who caused it to fail. I prefer to be part of the solution rather than the problem. So if you are sitting home waiting for updates and can make it to Lincoln Park, I would highly recommend you get there. Otherwise it might be a lonely Thursday night sitting at home with no updates either.

Be nice to people on the way up. You might need them on the way down. Jimmy Durante