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12/25/11, 12:40 PM   #3
Re: This may ruffle some feathers,but........
nowingsjeff is offline
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Posts: 417

Nothing wrong with that post. It's Christmas, so in my view it's very appropriate.

I'm tired of all the political correctness that has permeated our society. You know Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas or having to defend yourself as a Christian, all under the pretence that we'll offend others.

This country was founded on Christian morals and beliefs of freedom. These things made America great and the envy of all other nations. It's why so many people came here. They were able to worship and lead their lives without persecution. Now all of a sudden if some fringe lunatic group doesn't have the same beliefs you do, you should be quiet so you don't offend them. How ridiculous is that? How much is that against the principles America was founded on? In reality all these people are trying to do is eradicate Christianity in favor of whatever they believe. Good Lord only knows what that is.

My personal feelings and I'm sure the feelings of many others on this board are if you don't like Christmas or you don't believe in Christianity fine, but don't give us a bunch of crap because we do. If these lunatic groups want tolerance from me, then they better extend that same right to me and my beliefs. If they don't, then S C R E W them, they'll be in for the fight of the life from me!

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope to see many of you at the races in 2012.

Jeff Kohler
Mechanicsburg, PA
Last edited by nowingsjeff; 12/25/11 at 12:46 PM.