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OpenwheelRob (Offline)
  #197 7/14/11 2:37 PM
Originally Posted by deannalynn:
Critter Malone wasn't the only one who didn't realize the race was over. Somebody in the stands tried to tell me the race hadn't ended after I left the stands. I thought I was crazy and had stopped watching too early for a second, because that guy convinced me. The green light must have been on or something. As for Coleman, can he be charged with assault and battery or did Critter forfeit those rights via the driver waiver? We know the teams can't sue each other for vehicle damage, but last I checked, assault and battery is a crime. Will such a legal issue impact the Gulick family's upcoming return to New York? Mr. Gulick, please PM me if you need help packing your belongings for your move back to New York. I'm on here a lot, so I should be able to get back to you pretty quickly. No one would tear up his equipment or yours on purpose. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out, either.

P.S. When Mr. Stewart has bullied people at the track, I think all he has had to do is donate a respectable sum of money to a charity and I think pay a USAC fine. So I guess there probably won't be any charges, but I wonder how big the fine will be that Mr. Gulick will have to pay for shoving Mr. Malone.
This brings up something I've wondered about, what if the roles were reversed? Say Critter shoved Coleman? If I'm not mistaken he's 17 I believe someone said. What happens when one of these 'kids' pull a stunt and get 'taught a lesson'? Then will people all scream he's just a kid?

This is just something that made me think of this, nothing to do with this incident I have no dog in the fight. I've just often wondered what would happen in a situation like this. I am all for handling things 'in house' no need for legal matters but what would the census be if Critter had done the same to Coleman in this example. Ya got what you deserved or Awww you're pickin on a kid?
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