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5/26/11, 8:38 AM   #25
Re: Does weight matter?
DAD is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2009
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All you need to do is find a 95-100lb driver, get rid of these oversize grown up men and go racing.
I starterd out with a 95 lb kid (we won quite a few races) and I raised hell because the weight was too far off for grown men to compeate. All of the light guys dont want to change things and all cry the loudest. Its great if your kid wins a lot of races but it would even be better if they could learn racing from guys that can truly drive a race car. They might learn better racing manners. If the only drivers that can race with them are pre-puberty kids they will never know when they are charging, blocking and or giving racing room to the other driver. The only other racing experience they get "nascar" on Sunday and those guys are driving taxi cabs not open wheel race cars. We should not be racing like they do we dont have fenders.