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OpenwheelRob (Offline)
  #29 4/9/11 2:16 PM
Good job guys, now you may lose a show. Enough is enough, you people always complain last week it was Twin Cities this week Eldora, what's next? It's pathetic, p-iss and moan. I remember my first race ever starting on the pole in a heat in 1998 at THE Eldora Speedway. Parents in the stands everything was great, after the race they complained about be covered in dust. I laughed it's a dirt track that will happen. I also remember vividly one year sitting in the line up chute at 1a.m. waiting for my first heat race of the night, yes 1 a.m. for the first heat race. Guess who ran the show during these times?? Earl and Larry, I can remember several times when we started late, had dust, whatever the case it was racing.

The problem isn't the track, the crew or whomever owns the property. Chit happens and you can either roll with the punches and look forward to the next time or you can cry and whine and stay home. Coming on this board and crying only makes it that much easier to say 'WHY BOTHER' no matter what you do someone is going to come on here and cry like a 'well you know'. Then you'll be on here crying that another track closed down, what's the deal? You just can't win with some people.

I guess I'm crazy , but to me the saying is true 'A bad day at the race track is better than any day at the office.'

Tony thanks for all you do! Eldora is a very special place to me and a lot of folks out there, don't let a few bad apples spoil the bunch .
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