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JCC (Offline)
  #27 4/9/11 2:09 PM
Originally Posted by sprinterfan:
for all you idiots thinking were doing nothing but ********,,,(JCC) understand why dumba**......... were not pissed cuz they cancelled it,,,, were pissed cuz if the track crew had their head outta their A** they coulda got that race in way before the fog rolled in............... This is eldora speedway for christ sake!!!! it should be ready by 2pm that day... a bunch of damn idiots.... i guarentee to any damn body i coulda ran a crew to have that track in racing shape 100 damn times better than them idiots did last night...

nothing like busting your a** to get outta work on friday to make it up to eldora speedway,, only to walk in and watch 600 laps of push trucks and listen to an announcer say dumb a** ****..... eldora is a DAMN JOKE!!!!
And were are you incharge of track prep at? Lawn Chair track prep got to love it. Tony I hope you still try to have the race every year. Just never know what the weather will do. I look forward to this race every year. I tells me racing season is here. Went to Perris to end the season then to Ocala to start the season. But to me the season dosn't start until the USAC race at Eldora.
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