Thread: lps updates
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8/26/10, 11:10 AM   #46
Re: lps updates
bigjoedirt is offline

Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 8

I'm probably not ubderstanding this whole lapping rule so bear with me. If I understand correctly that what your saying about if the lead car laps you then you are lapped, then my question is this, why aren't lapped cars put to the tail instead of being placed between cars in the line up and don't you revert back to the previous lap and I would imagine since as I was told by the guy's in pits that it pays $200 from 11th on back all a guy has to look forward to is the finishing order, just my opinion? I'm asking these things so I can understand this. As for the car that was sent to the pits. I was told by several in the pit stands that if your "DQ'd" in a race you loose all laps that have been scored prior to the incident along with any points and money. All I'm doing is asking and all I know is what people sitting around me told me so I could be way off here. WOW..Is it always this complicated....