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11/25/07, 2:52 PM   #49
Re: Turkey Night has gone cold and bitter
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Originally Posted by Tim Clauson View Post
Do I agree with the prices ? No especially when they were printed on the mail out from USAC. Did I get my moneys worth ? Hell yea even spending the extra $20.
Wait, that a typo? Was the cost of the pit pass printed on the USAC mailer? One thing I should point out, if you did spend the 65 bones on the pit pass, you were entitled to a free Thanksgiving dinner via the Ford hospitality tent. Perhaps that was "included in the price".

I know this...I was hassled at every turn just trying to do my job Thursday. I mean, a certain amount of questioning my legitimacy comes with the territory when you travel to a different racetrack each week. But rarely do I see the kind of wholesale resistance I saw at Turkey Night, just to cover the event for highlights on television, and the Internet. Oh well...I will just chalk it up to being part of the gig.