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11/25/07, 11:47 AM   #45
Re: Turkey Night has gone cold and bitter
Tim Clauson
Tim Clauson is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
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Originally Posted by cecil98 View Post
Tim and Sean obviously saw the same event through a different set of lenses. Tim has a vested interest in what is happening on the track and would surely find the action more exciting. He has family out there racing. That's what I would call an "excusable" bias. If my kid was out there, I would probably have seen it differently than Sean, as well. However, if I were to choose between Sean or Tim's opinion on whether it was a good show and worth the money, I would lean toward Sean because he doesn't really have a dog in this fight. Sean is not without bias either, but his bias is his general preference for dirt in most cases (as is mine). Tim on the other hand is working on a master plan and that plan ultimately includes pavement almost exclusively in the future. So, of course, Tim would think it was a great show and worth the $65 pit pass. I'm going to go with Sean on this one and save the time, travel and $$$$$$ it takes to attend that event.

It amazes me how you know me better then myself... If Bryan never drove a race car again it would not stop me from spending my hard earned money attending these events. remember while i am carrying out this "master plan" I have attended more dirt races with no "vested" interest except my love for the sport in the past yearthen I have pavement races with a vested interest. In fact I changed flights and glad I did to witness Jerry Coooooons Jr's "best sprint car drive ever" at Manzanita. At heart I am a dirt sprint car guy but bottom line is I love it all.

Do I agree with the prices ? No especially when they were printed on the mail out from USAC. Did I get my moneys worth ? Hell yea even spending the extra $20.

I respect Sean's opinion but bottom line is This race produced one of if not the highest car counts of the season for USAC Midgets (dirt or pavement). The stands were packed the pits were packed If I want USAC Midget racing to survive these are the events we need to see survive.

I guess if I only watched Darlands run out front I might of walked away a little underwhelmed but being the newbie I am to this sport of auto racing I screwed up and watched the guys racing for position a little further back in the pack and got to watch some pretty outstanding drives from deep in the field and some great 4 and 5 car battles for top 10 positions. Next year being a grizzly veteren I might just sit home wait for updates and then ***** about an event I didn't even see.

Now back to the "master Plan" .....
