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12/12/09, 2:13 PM   #7
Re: Wingless 2012 INDYCAR?
Lucky161 is offline

Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 243

Originally Posted by mtek56 View Post

This seems to me to be the start of innovation back at the speedway. It also appears that the present management has finally waken up and started a formula to move forward to put the 500 back at the top of all the worlds' races. I hope as this moves forward, more and more global manufacturers will attempt to be involved with Indianapolis. Surely this will be a good thing for the 500. Historically and traditionally this race was and should be about innovation.
I couldn't disagree with you more. The Honda concept car is interesting to look at, but so were the concept cars of those students that were posted a couple of years ago.

You are correct that innovation has traditionally been an important part of the Indy 500. However, that innovation was evolved slowly over decades in small garages by mechanics with small budgets. But over time the engineers with large budgets have revoluntionized racing. And by doing so, they have also priced themselves out of the market. True engineers are still employeed by race teams at the top levels, but no new cars have been designed for Indy in nearly a decade.

More global manufacturers? Not no, but HELL NO! And no to domestic manufacturers either. They are the most responsible for the problems that Indy car currently has. And their contribution? Driving up the price of the biggest race in the world to the point that they can barely field 33 spec cars.