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11/26/09, 12:31 AM   #22
Re: What are you thankful for?
ChaplainJackie is offline

Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 245

I am thankful that I serve a loving and giving God.
I am thankful that my parents are still living as well as all my siblings.
I am thankful for all God has given me like a home, yard, dogs, my job and a CHEVY truck.
I am thankful for my ministry at Lawrenceburg Speedway.
I am thankful for Dave Rudisell and his family and that it is important to them that a prayer is said at every event and that I can pray in the name of Jesus.
I am thankful for the fans at Lawrenceburg Speedway they are the best.
I am thankful for Chad Cunningham for being so kind to me and understanding my fears about being in front of people.
I am thankful for Trent Collins for making sure that a prayer is said at the drivers meeting.
I am thankful for the Bible and that I can read.
I am happy and content with my life, and my goal is to be faithful to my God who has been faithful to me.
Gosh the only thing I really need in life is a spell checker on the IOW board!!!!!LOL
P.S. I am thankful to Bill and the IOW board and the fact that we can post prayers.
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