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9/25/09, 10:28 AM   #14
Re: American Racer Press Release
winged and non-winged
winged and non-winged is offline

Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 80

My beef with the tire deal, other than being overpriced, is the fact that the quality sucks on DT-3 tires as well as th SC-25. I always durometer my tires for my own self being, and every year the "track tires" especially the DT-3 are more inconsistant across the tread. That tire use to consistantly durometer at 48 across the tread. A few years back they started to fluxuate at 47-53 depending on which block was tested. Two weeks ago, the best tire I could choose from was between 49 and 61. Really consistant ehh. every racer that knows anything about tires knows that the harder the tire the more synthetic rubber is used. Therfore, synthetic (meaning man made material and not natural) tires should be more consistant than a natural rubber tire due to the fact that the company "controlls" the process. In my thoughts i know that hoosier is creating these tires as cheap as possible and selling them for a premium price simply due to the fact that everyone has to use them! I think another word for this is Price Gouging. Maybee Hoosier is in bed with the oil companies.... Sounds suspicious to me! Hahaa....