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9/19/09, 9:49 AM   #5
Re: An apology and a criticism...
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Originally Posted by Jim Halpert View Post
Having just endured a wild and crazy night at Bloomington, I must make an apology and voice my opinion about a matter that should not have to be brought up. After the Darland accident, and I am a huge fan of Dave, there was a bit of an altercation where another person at the race was cheering and applauding the fact that Dave had just barrel rolled down the back chute several times. This person was being very distasteful and obviously had no regard for Dave's safety or well being. Now I have no problem whatsoever with people liking, or disliking, certain drivers...but to cheer the fact that they just had a severe accident is completely uncalled for and disgraceful. Not only does it lack etiquette, but it shows no respect for the men laying their lives on the line for our entertainment. I only hope this person, and those like her, do not teach their children or friends that this is the proper way to behave at any race, or any other sporting event for that matter.

This being said, I must make an apology for my behavior in handling the situation. I was sitting about six or seven rows behind this display and voiced my opinion quite loudly...and I must mention that I was supported by several other true race fans that were concerned about what they had just seen. Anyway, after being given a less than appropriate hand gesture, this person and I, along with a few people I was with, had a lengthy exchange of words that itself is not appropriate in a public venue. I can only apologize for myself...after realizing there were still children and other upstanding fans present, I just wanted to say I was sorry if anyone in attendance was offended in any way by my remarks. It should say something, however, when my mother...who is just about as docile and kind-hearted as they come...jumps your case. She doesn't raise her voice unless it is completely called for...and in this case it was. To the person that was applauding Mr. Darland's accident...I can only hope you change your ways because that is in no way appropriate behavior at a race track. People like that I do not consider "fans," but simply instigators who, as my mother put it, need some way to draw attention to themselves.

I also would like to send out my thoughts and wishes to the drivers that were sent to the hospital tonight...a couple of very rough rides...get well soon guys.

Thanks for reading this little rant...and enjoy the racing.
Well said Troy!

The sad part of our sport is the people that go to the races simply to see the accidents or crashes; it sounds like you may have
encountered one of them yesterday. Usually they do not know the drivers personally, they have no concern for the drivers life, they have no idea the sacrifices a racer and his family make for him to compete in the sport we all love. They have no idea what it cost a car owner to have his car at the track on a weekly basis. I personally do not consider these thrill seekers race fans and have no respect for them. I have even less respect for someone from another team that acts the way you described this woman did when another driver/competitor is involved in a crash.

Luckily I learned at an early age in my love for auto racing that the only time you clap during a crash is when the driver climbs out of the car under his own power. You are applauding the fact the driver is uninjured not that he crashed.

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