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9/8/09, 1:19 PM   #10
Re: Should toddlers be allowed in the pits during racing activity?
Jayne Fuller
Posts: n/a

We have taken our 15 mth. old granddaughter into the pits with us while our son/her daddy races our sprint car. We have a stroller, and toys to keep her occupied and ear plugs for her ears. She is never out of anyone's sight....just like having a backyard swimming pool you must always be aware of what is going on. She knows his car and squeels with delight and waves as it goes by the stands. Driver's should never have the responsiblity while in the pits or on the race track to have to watch for children. If you are going to bring toddlers/young children in then you must RESPECT the dangers. Please don't put everyone into the same category.