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9/1/09, 11:32 PM   #22
Re: Drinker looking for more drinkers
riskybrisky5 is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 284

"I would like to join in but I am on a limited budget. I just can't keep up with you guys breaking out the brand names like Bud and Miller. Don't get me started about the mega drinkers ruining everything by indulging in Sam Adams, Stella and Corona.

Do you think somebody could start a spec drinking series? Drinks would be limited to Natural Light, Keystone Light, PBR or Milwaukees Best. Who's with me? "

Rob Hoffman

Rob I quit drinking but I think just like I stated about an Indiana sprint spec series that a spec drinking series could cost just as much. What I have found from experience the cheaper the beer the worse the headache. So more than likely you would have to miss work the next day. Or if you did make it to work your productivity would be much worse after a spec beer night. Also co workers would not want to be around you from worse gas problems from the spec beers. So I really do not think that you are saving any money.

P.S. This is not a slam against the low budget racer or anyone just having fun. I consider our team one of the low budget teams. Remember this is all in fun.
Last edited by riskybrisky5; 9/1/09 at 11:36 PM.