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8/24/09, 7:34 PM   #1
Coleman's Progress as of 8-24-09 at 6:00 PM
TeamCGR is offline
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First, Coleman, Grant, Jill and I would truly like to thank all of you for your kind words, support and Prayers over the last few days. IOW Prayers truly do work. The outpouring of support from IOW as well as other groups in the Racing World have been simply amazing. We have had multiple visitors, calls and of course prayers from friends and people we did not even know. Very powerful and truly appreciated. God Bless all of you...

Coleman met today with one of the Retina Specialists at Midwest Eye Care Institute in Indy. His biggest issue right now is his loss of vision. The swelling and discoloration of his eyes and face are frightening when you see him but, we have been told, it is a good thing. The body is trying to heal itself.

The Retina's ability to reflect vision to the Brain is being hindered by swelling and a small back up of blood in both eyes, his left eye being the worse of the 2. However the Surgeon today told us that this kind of injury is indicative of severe pressure on his chest during the flips. Surprising to us but apparently his belts, seat and hans did a great job of holding him tight when he was flipping but the pressure was so great, it was similar to someone that has a tremendous chest trauma. We thought it was from the actual spinning in the flip but the pressure caused a lot of blood to be forced to his face and eyes, creating the issue. We were told you see this type of injury sometimes from those that have CPR performed, hit the dash of a car in an accident or when an airbag strikes you in an accident.

Good news: There are zero effects to Coleman's Brain or any motor functions. Right now it is simply the swelling and blood build up that is causing his loss of vision but; it will subside in the next few days, maybe a few weeks. They expect a full recovery with no long term effects. And it is not the type of injury that worsens if it happens again (God forbid) which was a concern of ours for obvious reasons. Coleman was actually joking with us today that he looks like a Demon from a Horror Movie when he opens his eyes. It was great therapy for all of us to enjoy a good laugh today, even in these circumstances.

Again, there is no time frame for a return even though our driver, as all drivers will understand, asked today when he could get back in the car. That will be determined by the Physicians only.

Lastly, I did not mention this before because I was dealing with the trauma of our youngest Son's health but I would like to thank the Manufacturers of the Safety Equipment that Coleman was wearing and sitting in during this nasty crash. Please do not consider this as a shameless plug, just a way for this Family to say "Thank You".

Butler Built Seats: In our opinion, there are none better. Jeanie and Brian build the best.
Hans: This device, albeit sometimes the topic of controversy, we believed help save Coleman's Life.
DRC Chassis: The structural integrity of this car never gave way and the welds, tubes and main cage stayed 100% in tact and strong.
Bell Helmets: Again, we feel is the very best. We call them "Brain Bucket's" but this is truly a lifesaving piece of equipment.
Crow Belts: Maybe a bit of surprise but these belts held Coleman in place completely during this crazy mess.

Thank you to these providers for their wonderful products. I only posted this on behalf of this family and this family only. They came through for us in the best way possible in the worst kind of situation.

One last thing before I go. I have made it a habit over the years to make sure I tell my Son I Love Him before he leaves the Pit area. We have a "thing" where I lean in, tell him "I am proud of you and I Love You" before he pulls away. He always responds, "I love you too Dad". Over the course of the last few months, the stress and pressures of racing a lot have created times when both Coleman and I are "too busy" to take the time for this gesture. After last weekend, I have realized there is nothing more important in this World than to tell your Children, Brothers, Mom, Dad, Husband, etc. that you love them before they go and do do what they do. Take the time folks. There are many of us trying to do our best, not only in this sport but in life in general. It is not too Corny or out of touch to do this. I can guarantee you both of my son's will hear this every time they head out to do what they do. I hope you do as well.

We thank ALL of you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued support and prayers. God Bless all of you.

Pete G. and the entire Gulick Family.