Thread: The Rumor Mill
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6/26/09, 4:53 AM   #162
Re: The Rumor Mill
thebus79h is offline
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Originally Posted by Charles Nungester View Post
I thought this was over?????? Tony didn't make me mad, His statements only came after dozens of haulers were lined up leaving while fans were still comming in. Not that I excuse them THE FANS WERE TOLD NOTHING.
That matters totally resolved with me both by USAC and Tony. It may have hurt Tonys image. Can't blame you if you feel that way. I don't blame the drivers either. JUST A BAD SITUATION for all. Tony gave money back and held a race. All he could do in his situation other than keep his cool.[COLOR="Black"]
I live in Liberty (Union County) and ask someone around here about USAC, and ya know what they have to say... "a bunch of ******* that are scared of a track". Wether that's true or not, I really dont' care. Some raced, and most did not. I was there, I've been there for every sprint race, and will continue to go to every one. Those people that were there from town, not the people from this board were there to see a spectacle that Tony Barhorst put on. And you know what, that was quite possibly the coolest day of my life, shattered into a million pieces when I stood there at the pit gate watching a bunch of guys leaving. They can race where they want, and they didnt' want to race there, that's fine. The reason I even say this is very simple...

I work in retail, and customer perception is everything. If a person is used to a late model, and they see a sprint car, it's something new and exciting. Well, when they see them all lined up in the pits and then none actually go out on the track, they're perception changes. If there would have been an explanantion, that would have been much better. When I got there it was about 20 minutes before hotlaps were supposed to start, but yet, nothing occurred. Everybody stood around with their thumbs in their butt, until a few people took over and said it wasn't going on. Make the call early. Lie to me. Do something. Tell me you can't get an abulance on scene. Tell me you think it could rain. Jesus Christ tell me it was to hot that day. Perception is key, and proof is in the pudding. More times than not, USAC has completely let me down. Sprint week a couple years ago at the Burg when it was cancelled for "rain" that never happened. Don't care if it's USACs call or not, they are the "sanctioning body" so it's their race. It's the things like that that turn me away from USAC. I haven't really gone to much since, and I'm not hurt by it.

I won't go back to Anderson to watch that boring episode known as a "race". I had more fun watching the junk race earlier in the night. At least they actualy raced. The problem with the pavement stuff is it just costs way to damned much. Look at Jessup for example, they ahve enough money to run a few pavement races. I'm not saying he would, but what would happen if he turned that budget over to dirt, he'd probably get a hell of a lot more races. (at least I figure he would). Like Robbins said,what is the incentive to run pavement? There isn't any unless you're running the full USAC tour. And really, what's the point in that? The races don't pay much, there isn't any exposure at all in the press, just nothing. Promote. It's a lost art that hopefully someone could find.

I'm not a huge fan of the WoO, but you know what, if you take someone that is a passive nascar fan, they know who Swindell, Kisner, Lasoski, and all those guys are. That's a fact. They do. Why? They've been around for a while, and WoO has done a hell of a job promoting them.

The idea of the supercross stuff is actually pretty cool. Wonder what it would take to make a track for them a bit smaller, and run a 1/4 mile dirt track ouside of it. Or even better, put arena cross into a bigger venue with some of that motocross freestyle stuff, that way the track can be smaller to accomodate. I just think it needs to start with cost control, and I believe what Tony is saying to be the truth. USAC could have nipped this whole thing in the butt, but decided not to in fear of pissing some people off. racing has always been expensive, and it always will be, but running these big motors, and wide tires really hasn't made the racing any better at all. In fact, it's gotten worse. I would like to know what is spent to run a full USAC season competitively. I'm talking a Kunz, Hoffman, TSR, etc, top notch ride. How much does it cost the Hoffman team to compete. Tires, cars, motors, fuel, everything. I'd love to see a number. Limiting one tire per night on the right rear is a start, and I like whoevers idea about right sides for a pavement deal. There has to be something.