Thread: The Rumor Mill
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6/24/09, 12:38 PM   #118
Re: The Rumor Mill
Kirk Spridgeon
Kirk Spridgeon is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 802

Again, you're blaming things on people who no longer work at USAC or are being directed by different people.

Even though I hate that Hoosier has such a grasp on everything, should USAC just break a binding contract that is already in place just to please you? That makes a lot of sense. I truly hope that something happens with this monopoly in the near future, but you can't just do it overnight.

Is it Bob East's fault that he had the foresight to build a pavement-only car that has become the standard for all of pavement racing? From what I can see, nobody put the effort into it that he did. Now, he basically has everyone running his cars without it being mandated. Pretty amazing...
I'd love to see another viable option come up, but it's just not happening. And any different type of car is basically described to me as "a Beast with a different hood."

Seadog - that was not me. I think the young drivers in USAC are great, but the guys you need to talk about the most are the Coons, Darland, Hines, Gardner, Kuhn, etc. The younger group will change from year to year, but that is what makes them so well-liked by younger kids. It is cool to see kids like Whitt, Boat, etc. and when/if they ever leave for something else, there will be a new group to replace them.

As much as Tony Barhorst has some good ideas and views on the situation (along with some that aren't so great), I have seen him in the heat of the moment lose his head and I can see that same problem cropping up with each post he makes. It would be so nice if he could calmly address the situation without calling anybody out, or throwing anyone under the bus, or basically shedding tears over how badly everyone has wronged him...