Thread: That
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  #147 6/15/09 5:27 PM
I’m going to try to be as nice as I can be so bare with me. First off I have to give a huge thank you to Tommy Helfrich for all his help in getting in, what should have been a canceled show. Thank god it wasn’t a USAC race or it would have been done before it got started. The positive was that we got to see a race at one of history’s most famous race tracks. However there were a few negatives as well. The one tow truck deal is inexcusable. The Action Track staff blew it on that one to be sure. The race track was to be expected,I mean what did you really expect? The woman’s rest rooms need to be addressed as well. I mean if there not fixed where is “Motormasher” and “Superduke” going to go to relieve themselves? There was an actual problem with them and does need to be addressed. Now let me get a couple of things straight. The MSCS feature was a marathon but it was not the fault of the MSCS staff. They didn’t run 80 laps total before the competition red was brought out. The MSCS staff had said from the get go that the magic number was going to be 70 laps and at that point a competition red was given. I also want to thank “RacinJason” for making the two day marathon fun for me we had a lot of laughs along with Chris Nunn. The ILMS feature had it’s problems to but again the race track has to take a lot of the blame with only one tow truck and the track condition being as it was. The ILMS guys were a lot of fun to be with in the tower and they are a great group. The next item I want to mention is that “The rich kid from New York” out classed the field is total “BS”!! If you “Motormasher” would get off your ass and come to a race you could see for yourself. I talked to you earlier in the week and you said you where going to be there as did a few others so I don’t want to hear how bad the race was or how this sucks or that sucks when you won’t or can’t show up. The SCORA series has had some GREAT races but is on the verge of collapse due to the “I’ll shows” that never seem to show. The series was designed for a particular group of racers that said they wanted a series to run in but so far we have only had a handful of teams that have committed themselves to the series. So if it goes down the tubes you have only you to blame but don’t you dare bad mouth the guys that have showed up to support Sam and the series. I just as soon have your type just shut up and stay at home and there is nothing "YAWN" about our guys or our races!!! Oh on a side note Alex Coonan is at home now with a neck injury and I’ll try to get a hold of him or his family tomorrow to get an update.

John Gurley