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5/22/09, 10:40 PM   #7
Re: Friday Night Losers Club....
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Originally Posted by Dave Rudisell View Post
So everyone who is sitting at home explain why you are not at a race somewhere and what your plans are this Memorial Day weekend.

Myself, just got home from putting 26,000 gallons of water in a oval shaped place called Lawrenceburg Speedway, now at home resting searching for results, the rest of the weekend, Sat. at Lawrenceburg, Sunday cleaning Lawrenceburg Speedway, Monday?????
Have fun no matter what you are doing!! Dave
Wow now this is the way to get fans ain't it? Calling those of us who couldn't get to a race tonight "losers". Now that I know what track you are affiliated with I sure as hell will never go to it. Not to dredge up personal problems but since you decided to start the sh*t slinging, I haven't even felt like going to a race at all this year. Some who know who I am and know just how much I dearly love, live, and am addicted to racing will find this rather hard to understand. Why haven't I wanted to go to a race? Its called clinical depression and it will kick your ass into submission and get you to just about give up on anything and everything. So just because I didn't get to a race this weekend (or year for that matter) damn sure doesn't make me half the loser you are for coming on here and insulting those of us who have far more important things going on in our life, namely trying to survive it as sanely as possible.

So now, Mr. Dave Rudisell, if you found my response harsh and uncalled for it was an equal response to you harsh and uncalled for thread title.