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Backitin 7/15/17 10:27 AM

what hurts sprintcar racing
In my opinion when people promote something as great racing that really isn't even close to being great they're doing the entire sport bad.
I'll use ascs again as a example. The racing is terrible, at least in every race I've tried to psych myself into watching. Yet the announcers must be watching and reporting on some fantasy not what is going on track wise. Green flag, instant train.
It blows my mind that folks have been brainwashed into believing that this is what sprintcars represent.
Its terrible **** racing at its finest. :11;

Aces&Eights 7/15/17 11:12 AM

Re: what hurts sprintcar racing
Sadly I know what you mean, though I shy away from mentioning it on boards as it usually invites bashing. Personally I think Sprints and Late models have become too splintered. To me both only need 2 variations, 410 as the top end elite and then some cheaper less powerful engine package(360 or 305), but keep purses on the entry level class minimal and more evenly spread like a racesaver plan.

Jerry Shaw 7/15/17 11:19 AM

Re: what hurts sprintcar racing
People that go to the races a lot don't depend on the announcer to tell them what kind of race they just saw or are seeing. Lineups, breaking news, etc. is what I depend on the announcer for. The announcer either works for the track or for the sanctioning body, so they're just doing what they're paid to do. Plus, once you get enough race cars under green, there are very few tracks that you can even hear what they're saying. But, this is coming from the perspective of someone who nearly all the racing I see, is live and in person.


Speedwrench 7/15/17 12:26 PM

Re: what hurts sprintcar racing
While we're on the subject of hyped-up false enthusiasm on the part of some talking head/PR types, I have to scratch my head whenever I read a press release about some guy who ran seventh in his heat, sixth in the B, and somehow still made the show and ran eleventh in the feature and his publicist makes it sound like the guy won Knoxville and Eldora on the same night. And press releases for this guy read basically the same week after week.

I understand the PR person is being paid to make the client look good and wants to keep the checks coming, but I don't see how some of these people can keep generating so much false enthusiasm endlessly.

Somewhere this probably ties into the false enthusiasm put out by the race callers mentioned above.

Edit - this is aimed more at press releases for individual drivers rather than sanctioning body or track PR flak.

k41l 7/15/17 1:16 PM

Oh no not another ascs press release bashing thread. I for one can't wait to hear on Monday how joe blow from Texas dominated the c main. 😂😂😂

illinifan 7/15/17 1:54 PM

I actually witnessed something of the opposite of fake hype last night at Lincoln Speedway in Illinois. It was a MOWA show with the local track announcer and he did everything to hype up the numerous support classes and degrade the sprints. Granted it was a wreck fest last night, but the stands were full of sprint fans. I know it was sprint fans because if you drive by on their regular show on a Friday night there's about 16 people in the stands, last night it was pretty much full. To hear the announcer degrade the sprints like that can't look good for the casual fan or a first timer. Someone should have taken his mic away! I even heard another fan say has this guy ever even seen a sprintcar race before lol

hoosier race fan 7/15/17 2:26 PM


Originally Posted by illinifan (Post 478027)
I actually witnessed something of the opposite of fake hype last night at Lincoln Speedway in Illinois. It was a MOWA show with the local track announcer and he did everything to hype up the numerous support classes and degrade the sprints. Granted it was a wreck fest last night, but the stands were full of sprint fans. I know it was sprint fans because if you drive by on their regular show on a Friday night there's about 16 people in the stands, last night it was pretty much full. To hear the announcer degrade the sprints like that can't look good for the casual fan or a first timer. Someone should have taken his mic away! I even heard another fan say has this guy ever even seen a sprintcar race before lol

Seems like a bad idea if you want to try to persuade those fans who came to the special show to come back for your weekly program. I basically heard the complete reverse of that here in Indiana several years ago - a weekly sprint track (since that's basically all we have) that was running a late model show and couldn't have been more disrespectful to the LM teams and fans.

ModernDayDrifter 7/15/17 2:36 PM

Re: what hurts sprintcar racing
What hurts is when people go to a race and want to compare the class of car they see to something else. I have been to many winged car races (more than non wing given my location) and never once have I left saying that was a bad race and in my mind im comparing it to a non-wing race. If I go to a wing race I know 90% of the time I am going to see a freight train of cars at a high rate of speed, I can enjoy that style of racing. I know I if I am going to a non wing race I am going to see 3 or 4 wide, slide jobs, and more seat of your pants racing but at a slower speed (irrelevant, just noting diff. characteristics)... I would never say one is less exciting than the other by trying to compare the two, there is no comparison. But based on the characteristics I can judge a "good/bad winged car race" or a "good/bad non wing car" race...

I mean, most of us wouldnt compare indycar to F1 even though the cars look pretty much the same?

treecitytornado 7/15/17 3:14 PM

Honestly I've seen and been apart of as a driver, single file races with and without the Wing! Track conditions is what leads to good side by side Racing!

Chase Hightower 7/15/17 6:29 PM

Don't watch a wing race and you will most likely see a good race. I'd rather watch paint dry than an ascs race. JMO.

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