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IndyBound 8/5/12 9:44 PM

OT: The Great Big C Word
Over the years many of us on IOW have talked openly and honestly about family, friends and/or their own battles with cancer. The past three weeks have been a reminder to me that we need to have that talk again. Burying one of our closest friends last week at 58 was a reminder that early detection is key to beating this disease. And along with early detection comes the need for a yearly phyiscal, no one can detect there is a problem if you don't go to a doctor and make them aware of your family history.

In my family cancer is on both sides of the family with nineteen family members having twenty-six episodes of cancer over the years; Dad's side of the family has involved five generations, Mom's side three generations.

My friend that died last week was 11 days away from dying before any of us close to the family knew he was sick. His Dad has had cancer before and actually this week will get test results back that will confirm that he has cancer again in another part of his body at the age of 89. The doctors have all ready told them the type of cancer they are sure he has without the test. My point even though my friends Dad had cancer he himself hadn't seen a doctor since 2006 until it was too late to do anything for him.

31 years ago this month my Dad's sister was just six weeks from dying when we found out she was sick, she more than any other family member has taught me the importance of a yearly phyiscal. Yes, I know the doctors can miss something and you can still go undetected even if you are having a phyiscal. But, I personally believe starting the routine of a yearly phyiscal at a early age for me is what has allowed me to live 13 years longer than any of the females on my Dad's side of the family before me.

So I am asking all of you to take a look at your family history and if you all ready don't make a yearly phyiscal a part of your normal routine......start today. The life you save will be your own. If you see a friend loosing weight and you know they aren't dieting question them when the last time they saw a doctor was? Pay attention to the warning signs.

A few weeks before learning our friend was ill I met a remarkable young 11 year old, Brandon was hosting a Make A Wish event I attended with some friends. None of us really knew Brandon's story nor did we know Brandon or his family, during the event I made a point of talking to Brandon's Mom and learned he not only had never had cancer but he and his family had never known anyone that had cancer. Brandon had set a goal at his young age to raise $6000.00 for Make A Wish and back in March he had raised $3000.00 on his birthday, he then came up with the idea to hold the event I attended all on his own. Brandon touched my heart on this day, he personally went to everyone in attendance and thanked them for coming, helped them in any way he could and was so impressive you just knew in that first meeting he was a young man that had learned compassion for others at a young age. I will admit both Brandon's Mom and I were tearing up before our conversation was over, she should be so proud of the young man she has raised. I hope Brandon's life is never touched by having a friend or family member diagnosed with cancer.

I invite all of you to share your stories on how cancer has touched your lives and help get the word out about how important early detection is.


racephoto1 8/5/12 9:58 PM

Re: OT: The Great Big C Word
One person here has fought this fight for years, and touched all of us here. They say sometimes you fight the good fight, and he has. Bill , we have had some discussions at different times about this fight. You really are one of the bravest and toughest people I know.

Mud Packer 8/5/12 10:08 PM

Re: OT: The Great Big C Word

Thank you for again raising the flag for getting a yearly physical. Early detection can make a remarkable difference in how they are able to treat this dreaded disease. Part of our story has been well documented on the IOW board with my grandson Andrew. Age makes no difference so don't think that it can't happen to you.

I lost both of my grandfathers, my father and my mother all to early in life to cancer. RacinBabe lost her mother three years ago also at a young age. It seems to affect everyone that we know through relatives and friends.

SHORTBUS 8/5/12 10:59 PM

Re: OT: The Great Big C Word
3 1/2 yrs clear & make all the dr. they are scheduled.i fully understand what this terrible sickness will to to you and all of your family.
Thank you for the story

davidm 8/6/12 9:19 AM

Re: OT: The Great Big C Word
It will be 5 years this October since we lost my wife’s sister to cancer. I've also lost a Grandmother and an Uncle. Seeing your doctor ever year and getting the testing done is important. It's also important to help when and where you can. I've been working with the American Cancer Society for 7 years doing Relay for Life events. It's something my son and I have been doing together also since his Aunt passed.

IndyBound 8/6/12 10:37 AM

Re: OT: The Great Big C Word
I have another story to share with you in line with what Mudpacker said, cancer can and does strike at any age. This past weekend the Oswego Firefighters organized a benefit for 7 year old Julian Ross. A year ago Julian was diagnosed with neuroblastoma, a rare form of childhood cancer where painful tumors develop from nerve tissue. Just two weeks after Julian's diagnosis a year ago his Dad lost his job and health care benefits. The family has had to sell their home and just about all of their wordly possessions to help meet the cost of Juilan's treatments. Tomorrow Julian will return to Children's Hosppital of Philadelphia for his next round of experimental radiation therapy for neuroblastoma.

Julian's family maintains a website to help raise money for his treatment and help raise awareness of his condition, this rare form of childhood cancer afflicting only 650 children in the United States and just over 1,000 globally. If anyone is interested in helping the Ross family out you can do so on line at

Over the weekend someone started a thread making today a day of no complaining, I challenge you even further when you are feeling low because you don't think the racing conditions that weekend are what you thought they should have been; think about someone you know that has battled cancer, go and donate your time at a cancer event or treatment center for cancer patients. I think you will find you don't have a care in the world compared to what they have or are going through.

I have lost both of my grandmothers, a granfather, my father, three great aunts, three aunts and two of my my Mom's cousins to cancer.

An still believe early detection is the best way to beat cancer.

Thanks for listening!!!


big3131 8/6/12 1:23 PM

Re: OT: The Great Big C Word
bill; I have been thinking about you all day hope everything goes good

old time Hoosier 8/6/12 1:36 PM

Re: OT: The Great Big C Word

Originally Posted by IndyBound:
Over the years many of us on IOW have talked openly and honestly about family, friends and/or their own battles with cancer. The past three weeks have been a reminder to me that we need to have that talk again. Burying one of our closest friends last week at 58 was a reminder that early detection is key to beating this disease. And along with early detection comes the need for a yearly phyiscal, no one can detect there is a problem if you don't go to a doctor and make them aware of your family history.

In my family cancer is on both sides of the family with nineteen family members having twenty-six episodes of cancer over the years; Dad's side of the family has involved five generations, Mom's side three generations.

My friend that died last week was 11 days away from dying before any of us close to the family knew he was sick. His Dad has had cancer before and actually this week will get test results back that will confirm that he has cancer again in another part of his body at the age of 89. The doctors have all ready told them the type of cancer they are sure he has without the test. My point even though my friends Dad had cancer he himself hadn't seen a doctor since 2006 until it was too late to do anything for him.

31 years ago this month my Dad's sister was just six weeks from dying when we found out she was sick, she more than any other family member has taught me the importance of a yearly phyiscal. Yes, I know the doctors can miss something and you can still go undetected even if you are having a phyiscal. But, I personally believe starting the routine of a yearly phyiscal at a early age for me is what has allowed me to live 13 years longer than any of the females on my Dad's side of the family before me.

So I am asking all of you to take a look at your family history and if you all ready don't make a yearly phyiscal a part of your normal routine......start today. The life you save will be your own. If you see a friend loosing weight and you know they aren't dieting question them when the last time they saw a doctor was? Pay attention to the warning signs.

A few weeks before learning our friend was ill I met a remarkable young 11 year old, Brandon was hosting a Make A Wish event I attended with some friends. None of us really knew Brandon's story nor did we know Brandon or his family, during the event I made a point of talking to Brandon's Mom and learned he not only had never had cancer but he and his family had never known anyone that had cancer. Brandon had set a goal at his young age to raise $6000.00 for Make A Wish and back in March he had raised $3000.00 on his birthday, he then came up with the idea to hold the event I attended all on his own. Brandon touched my heart on this day, he personally went to everyone in attendance and thanked them for coming, helped them in any way he could and was so impressive you just knew in that first meeting he was a young man that had learned compassion for others at a young age. I will admit both Brandon's Mom and I were tearing up before our conversation was over, she should be so proud of the young man she has raised. I hope Brandon's life is never touched by having a friend or family member diagnosed with cancer.

I invite all of you to share your stories on how cancer has touched your lives and help get the word out about how important early detection is.


I always schedule a yearly physical because my doctor told me to after I had successful prostate cancer surgery. At that time he told me I would have at least another 10 years and that was 13 years ago last April. I am thankful for every day and please, please schedule a physical today for yourself. Early detection is the difference between life and an early death.

Indy1808 8/6/12 3:23 PM

Re: OT: The Great Big C Word
Im 20+ years getting an annual physical.
With Father passing from Colon cancer at age 42.
The last thing us 3 kids remember is him waving down to us on the sidewalk from his 3rd floor hospital room, on that cold November day.
He passed the next day.
We were just 6, 9 and 10 yrs old. That was 1963.
Good or bad I never got to know him as an adult.

Anyway, I decided I should keep on top of it when I was in my early 30's.
This was on my dime too before health insurance felt forced to pay for some of it.
Still I have no regrets. Knock on wood I have never had the disease.

I had my first colonoscopy at age 38.
I can tell you compared to today. Those were archaic exams and the prep was pure hell.

All I'm saying is, don't wait. No matter how much you may dislike doctors and such. Do it for your kids, family, if not yourself.

We have come along way with treatment but we are far from beating it and still archaic in treating it. Still no matter what it takes, I am on schedule for regular exams and screenings.

Thanks for the thread INDYBOUND.

J.D. 8/6/12 6:31 PM

Re: OT: The Great Big C Word
Maybe something to look into is a blood test that can be done and sent to a hospital in Florida. Suppose to detect a cancer problem 5 yrs in advance. Suppose to be the most accurate test. When I looked into it, it cost $450.00 and that was 4 years ago. Your doctor won't tell you about it, you have to ask, and some may not know about it. Cancer cells give off a hormone similar to what a woman pregnant will have. It can be detected before the tumor pops up, just like a woman knows she's pregnant before her belly swells. Some of you will think I'm crazy and that's fine, but maybe you should take your health into your own hands instead of just giving it to your doctor. Study up and don't just go to Medical sites that are controlled by the FDA, they only protect their protocol.

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