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btg1963 7/23/18 10:51 PM

I would be estatic if USAC honors the DIRTcar suspension. Historically kind of an opposite mindset, but what the heck!

Bill Angel 7/23/18 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by jim goerge (Post 498711)
Hey the kid made a mistake,so we are going to hold this against him rest of the time he races. I think for a first offence 90 days is to strong maybe 30 days been better. Justin and his dad might just as well sell their sprint car and midget cuz this will follow him rest his life. Wish I had smoked while I fought the big C all 3 times maybe I would have felt better and been more human to people and not lost a lot of friends

When you break a law or rule that requires you to make a conscious decision to do it or not then it's not a mistake.

sc17x 7/23/18 11:59 PM

I think he should retested before any decision are made.

smith19 7/24/18 12:17 AM

if he wants to know how to dance around this all he has to do is call bloomquist!!! b.s.

1021gpa 7/24/18 4:54 AM

For all you people oh it's illegal watch your daughter die of cancer and the only thing that that will kill her pain is smoking a joint you might feel different

Scooter 7/24/18 6:10 AM

It’s not’s becoming more and more accepted as people finally realize the benefits of marijuana over the poisonous drugs they try to use now. Ask people with arthritis, cancer, PTSD and the other 20 accepted forms of medical reasons.

Opioids and alcohol are a far greater danger and this world is finally realizing it.

Some people better get their facts straight...

However...this kid knew the rules and he broke them. now everyone wants his head on a stick. It’s Not right. He’s a human also.

trannyman 7/24/18 7:42 AM

Not saying they're wrong for getting on top of this,but lets go a step farther and start testing for alcohol.How many tie one on the night before,or even have "a few" the day of a race?How many more would be eliminated?How about prescription pain killers or muscle relaxers?How many have these "in their systems" and go racing?Again,not saying the test was wrong,but let's get REAL serious if it's about the safety.

david mitchell 7/24/18 8:02 AM

I am impressed that this forum is actually discussing an issue that is serious and affects the safety of drivers.Maybe this will lead to discussions on tracks that affect the safety of drivers.

TQ29m 7/24/18 9:10 AM

Re: 71p
I'm going to put this out there, for what it's worth, it's easy to say but danged hard to enforce, when I was on the board of more than one racing entity, I had the privilege of finding out if it was enforceable or not, and found out danged quick, and I'm here to tell you, you have to find someone willing to back you up, if you try to do any kind of testing, out here on the open road is a different story, but inside a race track, it's very thin ice, but it shouldn't be, but look how many $$ Nascar has spent, trying, you better have your ducks in a row before you make any moves, the local sheriff may make a pass thru the area with his uniform on, but unless he has hard evidence, he isn't going to do much, if anything. I wish it were easy as putting up a sign, and everyone would toe the line, but it's not likely to happen. I was only able to remove one guy, one time, the gals at the pit shack told me about him, and when he went to get out of his truck, even he admitted maybe it wouldn't be a good idea, he stepped out into space, flat on his face, he didn't go because of me, he went because he realized his condition, never had any trouble with him again, but alcohol and drugs are two very different things, testing for alcohol the sheriff might do, but drugs? Just sayin! Bob

Bear10 7/24/18 9:42 AM

As a friend and a supporter of Justin Peck I feel saddened . Not for the fact of his racing or the fact he’s suspended and doesn’t get the opportunity to race sprint week but only for the fact that every person on this forum , every person on social media and every person involved has made a mistake of some sort in life . We all are sinners and all have chosen the wrong path once or maybe even multiple times . That being said we all know it was wrong we all know the consequences but that doesn’t give anyone the right to judge , degrade , or try and justify the situation. I for one know the family well and know how good of people they are and how they race as a family and enjoy it. They are as close and kind hearted of a racing family as you can get. I’m asking people on this forum rather than to talk about the situation or what was right or wrong, please support him in this time and understand he knows it was a mistake and will make the best of it and move forward. For god sake he is a college kid learning life . His parents raised him strong and he is a kid that made a small mistake . Let’s not bash let’s support and hope that he comes back and kicks some ass and we see the better in someone rather than the worst! That’s what this situation needs! Keep heads up Peck Racing and know that there are people out here that will support you through this tough time!

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