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Jerry Spencer 5/11/08 3:37 AM

Re: Support Staab
There is talk of boycotts by fan's and some teams because Mr. Staab is out at U.S.A.C. I hope that this thing can be worked out so that everyone involved can go on to make U.S.A.C. the best racing around.

We have got to work together and move forward or we may not have the racing we are used to. I suggest if you have something good or bad to say pass it on to the people at U.S.A.C.

I have known Greg for over thirty years and he is part of the reason we decided to run with U.S.A.C. as much as we can, on the same note everyone we have dealt with at U.S.A.C. has went out of there way to make us feel welcome. My vote is to keep Greg on and lets move forward together.

Jerry #66j

Seadog 5/11/08 8:20 AM

Re: Support Staab
I have supported USAC thru the good times and the bad for over 50 years. Thru the USAC/CART split in the late seventies, and even thru the SC debacle recently. But if Kevin Miller and company is the reason Greg is leaving, they will not have my support any more.

You need to keep Greg (if he wants to stay) for the fans, drivers, owners, and for the well-being of USAC.

fishnman 5/11/08 9:00 AM

Re: Support Staab
Just thinking about the mid 80's and the domination at the burg.

Of all the USAC meetings I have gotten the opportunity to attend, Greg has always been very cordial, professional, and yet at the same time made you feel like those times you were just sitting around having great conversation among friends. ALWAYS wanting what was in the best interest of sprint car racing, the drivers and the fans.

One thing for sure, when the fans of Pennsylvania get all that Usac action here very soon, action that last year received all kinds of praise from the PA folks, IMO they will have Greg to thank.

Supermod 5/11/08 1:37 PM

Re: Support Staab
Personally, I think a boycott is the worst thing that could be done. Since Greg is the man who is responsible for this year's schedule, wouldn't that be sending the message to the current adminstration that they were right in getting rid of him?

What we should do, is show up in force at every 2008 USAC race with all the banners, bedsheets and signs we can come up with, showing our support of Greg Staab.

It may be the worst run organization in the world, however take it from someone who has to travel 600+ miles to get to Indiana, USAC has the best racing in the world.


Bob Mays

racechic66 5/11/08 1:37 PM

Re: Support Staab
The news of Greg's departure from USAC is very SAD news for us. Jim and I have known Greg for years. He is not only a true racer himself but he has the LOVE, & PASSION for the sport. How many of the officals in the USAC office can say they have the true passion? Most of them I am sure "it's just a job"
Greg has went out of his way in many instances to help us (as well as other teams I am sure) no matter what the problem may be. If there were any issues if he didn't know he would try and find out.
This would be a HUGE loss to USAC if they decide to go threw with this.
It will be interesting to see the 2009 Racing Schedule???
What-ever Greg's future holds for him we wish him the best and much success. Hopefully USAC will reconsider the postion that Greg Stabb holds with the company.

Jim and Cindi Whiteside

Crankin 5/11/08 5:03 PM

Re: Support Staab
I have been trying for week to come up with something provocative, yet of course, "P.C.", to say about USAC letting Greg go. Inevitably though, my small mind just keeps screaming this:

Sorry. That's just how I feel about it.

Pat O'Connor Fan 5/11/08 8:12 PM

Re: Support Stabb

Originally Posted by D.O.:
We all know that most of USAC reads here.

Hey Dan, I doubt that the USAC office folks are spending much time reading IOW now that so many IOWers have expressed their opinions on this most recent screw up :loser: :O: :rolling

nonwing 5/11/08 8:46 PM

Re: Support Staab
I've also known Greg for many years and in fact ended up with his Gambler pavement car that he won with on ESPN Thunder at IRP. I then took the same car and won the '95 Paragon Championship. I consider Greg a friend and last year got to spend some time with him at the Dusick Go Cart Open talking about racing in general and his job at USAC. He was excited about the opporitunity, but also knew the history well and what he was up against to make things better for USAC and their racers.

If Greg does move away from USAC he will find his footing quickly and be successful in what ever he ends up doing. His heart is in the right place and I think we all know that. The problem is, does the new USAC management see the same thing? Let's hope so.

George Wilkins

throb 5/11/08 10:28 PM

Re: Support Staab
something else that i noticed.....i have never heard a bad word about mr. staab.....usually someone has something negative to say about someone on here but never a negative word about greg...that should say something in itself.........just a thought

Millsvideo 5/13/08 12:13 AM

Re: Support Staab
I realize my opinion means very little, but I do wish to say some things about Greg Staab, the man...

In his tenure in USAC, Greg has been, with the possible exception of Dick Jordan, the most dedicated, hard working, and yes, most PASSIONATE person at 4910 W. 16th Street in Speedway, Indiana. Greg is usually the first person in the office in the morning, getting in well before his scheduled start time, then puts in a full day just like everyone else. He answers emails, returns phone calls, and goes about the business of talking with promoters, participants, as well as fans. In the past few years, Greg has been the answer man at USAC. He always tells you the truth as he knows it, and will never lie to you. On occasion, when he can't divulge information, he will simply say, "I can't speak on that". I respect Greg for that. He is honest, forthright, and quite simply, a good man. He's one of those guys I would go to war with. If you gain his trust and respect, he'd do just about anything for you. He'd have your back, which is not something I can say about a lot of men in this world. He's done everything he can to help build up USAC. Greg has been a rock, and despite often having his hands tied, has created quite a schedule for all three National series the past few years. He has loved working for USAC. Having moved to Indianapolis from Cincy, he bought a house close to the USAC office just so he could devote as much time to the series as possible. Greg has been a huge asset to USAC. I wish he was staying on, because he has done a lot of very good things for the series.

He may not be the most articulate, politically correct person, or be the most proficient at clerical work, but his PASSION, zeal, and love for all things sprint car racing, and specifically, the United States Auto Club are arguably second to none. Greg has all my respect, and all my support. I am proud to call him friend.


Dean Mills

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